Space complexity
STCON,PATH is NL-complete under log reductions.
NL clousre If the language \(A\) is \(NL\)-complete then
1. \(A \in NL\) 2. Each problem in \(NL\) is logspace reducible to \(A\)
Since \(coNL = NL\) each problem in \(coNL\) is logspace reducible to \(A\) as well. Thus \(A\) is \(coNL\)-complete.
Any \(L\in \mathcal{NP}\) have Log Verifier for \(L\) is D-TM with 3 types \((w,c\),working type) \(V\) run in Poly time \(|x|\) and using \(\log (|x|)\) types from working type. if \(x\in L\) exsit \(w\) s.t \(V \) accept . if \(x\notin L\) for all \(w\) \(V\) reject. \(L\in NL \Leftrightarrow \) exsit Right only log time verifier.
Composition of space-bounded functions
is a bit tricky: Thm: if \(f\) and \(g\) are computable in space \(s_f(n).g_f(n).\) respectively, then \(g f\) is computable in space (with \(m_f\) being a bound on the output length of \(f\)).