\[\def\bra#1{\left\langle{#1}\right|} \def\ket#1{\left|{#1}\right\rangle} \def\braket#1#2{\left\langle{#1}\mid{#2}\right\rangle}\]

(Section 1, Basic Math & Linear ALgebra )

Introduction to Machine Learning

inear Algebra


{ A symmetric matrix A is PSD such that

$ v^tAv = (v^tu) diag (\lambda)(u^tv) = \sum_{i}\lambda_i(Vu^t)^2\geq0 $ where $\lambda$ is the Eigenvalue of $A$.

And matrix A can be decomposed as:

\[A = QDQ^t = Q*diag(\lambda_1,\lambda_2\ldots\lambda_n)Q^t\] \[= Qdiag(\sqrt{\lambda_1},\sqrt{\lambda_2}\ldots\sqrt{\lambda_n})*diag(\sqrt{\lambda_1},\sqrt{\lambda_2}\ldots\sqrt{\lambda_n})*Q^t= XX^t\]

$A$ can be written as $v^tXX^tv$ we get:

\(v^tAv=v^tXX^tv=(X^tv)^t(X^tv)=\parallel X^t_v \parallel \geq 0\) }


for a given PSD matrix A and $\mathbf \alpha\in{R}$

(*) $ v^t(\alpha A)\geq 0$ $\Rightarrow v^t(u A)\geq 0$ when $u , A \geq 0 $

then for PSD matrix’s A,B when $A,B \geq 0$ , $A+B \geq 0$

now let’s apply (*) on (A+B) we will get (**) \(v^t(A+B)v=v^tAv+v^tBv \geq 0\)

then from both (*) and (**) immediately get $ \alpha A+\beta B\geq 0 $

the set of all n × n PSD matrices over ${R}$ is not a vector space over $R$ because its not apply the closures to multiplication in scalar property , for $\lambda < 0$ and \(A\geq 0 \rightarrow \lambda A < 0 \rightarrow \lambda A \notin \lbrace PSD \rbrace\)

Calculus and Probability


For $x_1,x_2\ldots x_n$ i.i.d $U([0, 1])$ continuous random variables, lets write the Order Statistics such as $\overline{x_1} ,\overline{x_2}\ldots \overline{x_n}$ when $\forall$ i , $\overline{x_i} \leq \overline{x_{i+1}}$

first lets find the CDP of $Y=MAX\lbrace x_1,x_2\ldots x_n \rbrace=\overline{x_n}$ :

\(F_y(x)=F_{ \overline{x_n}}=\Pr(\overline{x_n}\leq k)=\Pr(\overline{x_1}\leq k,\overline{x_2}\leq k\ldots\overline{x_n}\leq k)\) since they i.i.d

\[\Pr(\overline{x_1}\leq k)\Pr(\overline{x_2}\leq k)\ldots\Pr(\overline{x_n}\leq k)=[\Pr(\overline{x_i}\leq k)]^n=[F_x(k)]^n\] \[\require{enclose} (*) F(x_i) = \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} {0} & \mbox{for} & x<0 \\ x/1 & \mbox{for} & x\in\lbrace0,1\rbrace \\ 1 & \mbox{for} & x>1 \end{array}\right. f(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} {1} & \mbox{for} & x\in\lbrace0,1\rbrace\\ 0 & \mbox{for} & x\notin\lbrace0,1\rbrace \end{array}\right.\]

we get:


now lets set values in (*) and get:

\[f_y(k)=nk^{n-1}f(k)=nk^{n-1}f(k)=nk^{n-1}I_{(1,0)}\sim Beta(n,1)\]

therefore :

\[\lim(E[y])_{ n\to \inf}= \lim(\frac{n}{n+1})_{ n\to \infty}\longrightarrow 1\]

and :\((var[y])_{ n\to \inf}= \lim(\frac{n}{(n+1)^2(n+2)})_{ n\to \inf}\rightarrow 0\)

\(E[|x-\alpha |] = \int^{+\infty}_{-\infty} |x-\alpha |f(x) \, dx = \int^{\alpha}_{-\infty} |x-\alpha |f(x) \, dx + \int^{+\infty}_{\alpha} |x-\alpha |f(x) \, dx\) when $\alpha \in argmin$ :

\[\underbrace{(\alpha -x)f(x)|}_{\to 0}+ \int^{\alpha}_{-\infty} f(x) \, dx + \underbrace{(x-\alpha)f(x)|}_{\to 0}- \int^{+\infty}_{\alpha} f(x) \, dx\] \[\displaystyle{\Rightarrow \int^{\alpha}_{-\infty} f(x) \, dx =\int^{+\infty}_{\alpha} f(x) \, dx} \Rightarrow \Pr(x\leq \alpha)=\Pr(x\geq \alpha)\Leftrightarrow\]

\(\ { \Pr(x\leq \alpha)=1/2}\) —

Optimal Classifiers and Decision Rules

Let X and Y be random variables where Y can take values in $Y = \lbrace1, \dots, L\rbrace$, and Let $\ell$ be the 0-1 loss function defined in class , hence:

\[E[\triangle(y,f(x))]= \sum_{k=1}^{L}Pr(X=\hat{x},Y=k)\triangle(k,f(x))\]

using bayes :

\[\sum_{k=1}^{L}\Pr(X=\hat{x})\Pr(Y=k|X=\hat{x})\triangle(k,f(k))=\Pr(X=\hat{x})\sum_{k=1}^{L}\Pr(y=k|X=\hat{x})\triangle(k,f(k))\] \[L(h)=Arg\min_{f:X\to Y}\lbrace\Pr(x=\hat{x})\sum_{y\neq k,y\in \lbrace1\ldots L\rbrace}\Pr(y=k|X=\hat{x})\rbrace=f(\hat{x})=h(x)=k\] \[\Rightarrow h(\hat{x})=Arg\max\lbrace\Pr (x=\hat{x})(1-\Pr(y=k|X=\hat{x})\rbrace : h(\hat{x})=k\] \[h(\hat{x})=Arg\max_{y\in Y} \Pr(y=i|x=\hat{x})\]

To find decision rule for: \(\Pr [y = 1 | X] > \Pr [y = 0 | X]\) lets apply bayes rule on both sides. we get: \(\frac{f_{X|Y =1} (x) Pr [Y = y] fX (X)}{f_x} > \frac{f_{X|Y =0} (x) Pr [Y = y] fX (X)}{f_x}\)

\[p f_1 (x , \mu_1 , \sum ) > (1-p) f_0 (x , \mu_o , \sum )\] \[\frac { exp( -(1/2)(x-\mu_1)^T \sum^{-1}(x-\mu_1) }{exp( -(1/2)(x-\mu_0)^T \sum^{-1}(x-\mu_0)} > \frac{1-p}{p}\] \[(x-\mu_0)^T \sum^{-1}(x-\mu_0) -(x-\mu_1)^T \sum^{-1} (x-\mu_1)>2ln(\frac{1-p}{p})\]

where $(x-\mu)^T \sum^{-1}(x-\mu)$ is the square Mahalanobis Distance between $x$ and $\mu$
so our simpler Decision rule will be

\[h(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{rcl} {1} & \mbox{for} & d^2\mathbf{_m} (x,\mu_0) > d^2\mathbf{_m} (x,\mu_1)+2ln(\frac{1-p}{p}) \\ 0 & \mbox{} & \mbox{otherwise} \end{array}\right.\]

when d=1 the general Matrix $\sum$ size will be size d X d, so the shape of the decision shape boundery will be just dot,in the same way when d=2 we will have a line , and for general d its might be d-dimenonal shape…

For $d = 1,\mu _0 = \mu _1 = \mu $ and $\sigma_1 \neq \sigma_0 $we looking for equation in the decision rule formula we go had above:

\[d^2\mathbf{_m}(x,\mu_0)-d^2\mathbf{_m}(x,\mu_1)=2ln(\frac{1-p}{p})\] \[(x-\mu )^2 (\frac{1}{\sigma_0^2}-\frac{1}{\sigma_1^2})=2ln(\frac{1-p}{p}) \Rightarrow(x-\mu )^2=(\sigma_0^2-\sigma_1^2)2ln(\frac{1-p}{p})\] \[(x-\mu )= +- \sqrt{(\sigma_0^2-\sigma_1^2)2ln(\frac{1-p}{p})} \Rightarrow x=\mu +- \sqrt{(\sigma_0^2-\sigma_1^2)2ln(\frac{1-p}{p})}\]